WannaBeMedic is 42, male, straight, and from Dublin, Georgia. He says he's currently an EMT who is going to school to become a paramedic. He believes evolution has no place being taught in schools, that he tells homeless people to get a job, and that women have an obligation to keep their legs shaved. He also believes homosexuality is a sin, that gay people shouldn't be allowed to marry, but that it's really hot when two straight girls make out.
44% match, 37% friend, 37% enemy
WannaBeMedic: Wow your gorgeous
StephQJ: I think you mean "you're".
WannaBeMedic: Lol, correcting spelling huh? I heard the regular guys discussing that this morning. But I sent that compliment before, lol
I feel sorry that the Regular Guys have this one for a listener. I mean, they're everything I loathe about morning radio, but WannaBeMedic is everything I loathe about redneck men.