SerenityGeek is 48, male, and straight, from Lawrenceville, Georgia. His pictures are all variations on a theme--white v-neck t-shirt and the same creepy come-hither look, at different angles.
72% match, 83% friend, 18% enemy
SerenityGeek: Wow what a fun profile! Since I'm the type of person who attacks
first(but in a nice way), lays waste second (also nice!) and picks up
the pieces last to see if they can be put back together but in a
different and more meaningful way( thirdly, no apologies here) I felt
compelled (yup I used compelled interpret however the hell you will,
cause I know you will) to message you.
I envy the writer part (my
self critic is a mean little bastard and always seems to piss me off)
the fact you're on your second novel is even more impressive.
you are loud and voracious...voracious implies eating (food,
reading,etc.) so is this an attention getting thing? It seems like you
are making up for lack of attention..
I like that you're
intimidating but that's more of a judgement on other people's insecurity
isn't it? After all you can't intimidate someone who is comfortable in
their own shoes (luckily I wear my little sister's shoes most of the
time as they make me feel warm and fuzzy but when the mood hits I wear
my own shoes, my favorite pair is my Spiderman boots, since I have
matured and won't wear my Superman boots anymore( they also got a nasty
blood stain on them)).
The disco ball metaphor has me totally
stumped. Are you glittery? When someone shines a flashlight on you do
you feel compelled to twirl in one spot? Do you prefer to hang from the
ceiling wearing the Peter Gabriel suit with mirrors (an awesome concert
btw)? I consider myself an unexploded WWII hand grenade covered with
bits of post it sticky notes attached from passersby (Ha! Try figuring
that one out!)
Loud, voracious, bat shit energy and shy...shy?
I too have issues about loading a dishwasher but I am comfortable with
using multiple bungee cords to hold everything down (god forbid an
earthquake hits during the rinse cycle)
I actually wanted to write
to you and say your Breasts make me Pretty Sleepy, sorry but I couldn't
keep it to myself. Unlike you I have my opinions and am not afraid to
express them.
Once again I enjoyed the profile but sincerely I am
sorry about the abuse you suffered in your life. The wounds heal but
the scars are permanent. But you are nothing if not a fighter and it's
nice to see you moving forwards in many positive ways.
Peace, Love and Underwear,
Dude is all over the place, and I'm not sure I want to know where he's been or where he's going.
Did u write back? If nothing else the back and forth conversation will be hilarious!
Posted by: Kelley | 06/06/2013 at 08:30 AM