JeffyWeffy is 44, straight, and married, from Raleigh, NC.
0% match, 0% friend, 0% enemy
The 0% on everything means he hasn't taken the time to answer any profile questions. He's also completed no basic info except for the fact that he speaks English and never does drugs.
JeffyWeffy: Cute profile. Hope we can chat! I'm a pilot, based in Raleigh, but I'll be in the Buford area in a few weeks. I'm totally new to his online thing but I wanted to say hello... [May 24, 2013 - 8:11 pm]
JeffyWeffy: hi. cute profile. hope we can chat. i'm a pilot based at RDU. i'll be in the buford area this weekend playing in a lacrosse tournament. totally new to all of this. wanted to say hello. hope i hear back! [May29, 2013 - 11:12 pm]
StephQJ: You're listed as married and have provided no details of any kind on your profile. It's not happening. [May 30, 2013 - 10:07 pm]
JeffyWeffy: so dang girl talk to me [May 30, 2013 - 10:12 pm]
JeffyWeffy: a lady priest. amazing [May 30, 2013 - 11:08 pm]
Dude, stop trolling the online dating site for a casual fuck. It ain't gonna be me. And get a profile pic better than a shitty reversed iPhone picture in a mirror. Or the one of you where you're sweaty and apparently sitting on a toilet. Ugh.