Dork69 (not his real name) identifies himself as 43, white, fit, from a nearby suburb of Atlanta. Christian. He doesn't post a profile pic, disclose his occupation or whether or not he has children, though he does have dogs. From his profile:
"I am a bit old fashioned and still believe in respect, loyalty and honesty. Posting a pic at this time would be against all of these. I have no patience for shallow people, you should never judge a book by its cover."
He sent me a separate message with a link to his picture, which I have yet to even view.
The site ranks our compatibility according to our completed profiles and questionnaires.
31% match, 61% friend, 30% enemy
He sent several messages about innocuous things before I finally responded, including, "Your profile makes you sound like an Italian." (WTF?!?) He also offered to give me a great story to write if I ever run out of material. (You already are, sweetheart.)
StephQJ: I never run out of material, even when I'm blocked. I write what I know, which means I write what everyone else around me knows. And how do I sound Italian? I am quite Irish.
Dork69: Loud and voracious and a ball of batshit doesn't sound Irish to me...sounds Italian. Do you date men who are shorter than you are?
StephQJ: I sometimes casually date men who are shorter than I, but it's rare that I'm attracted to them. It's a thing for me for sure but isn't a necessarily limiting factor. But I would never date you, based on your profile. Gay relationships and marriage are immoral to you. You're a Creationist. And you don't love giving oral sex. I won't argue any of these points with you--just cutting pragmatically to the chase.
Dork69: I only love oral with the right person. Maybe we should casually date to see if I can change your As for attracted, I leave that up to you. I gave you the link to my profile. I used to be atheist..if that helps. There is no need to argue, I never judge people.
Dork69: Maybe you should forget everything we talked about, look at my pic, see if you even think there is an attraction, then decide if you never could date me. I at least am honest.
I'm honest, too, Dork69. Regardless of your physical appearance (I'm refusing to check out his picture on principle now.), I would never date you. You could be Brad Pitt, Ewan McGregor, and Jude Law all rolled into one hot mess, and you'd still be a dumbass.